CLIENT Clinical Speech Therapist Tokošová
YEAR 2019
TEAM Martin Hřeben, Matyáš Kočnar, Martin Žampach
SKILLS Industrial design, CAD, Engineering, Prototyping, Visualisations, Production preparartion, Quotation, Supervision
Smart Mouth, a speech tool can illustrate and at the same time encourage the kids to try right tongue articulation positions spontaneously. Kids could perceive the tongue location and improve their coordinating tongue movements playfully. The tool is also used for adults, who had an accident or brain attack. The author of this special tool is Mgr. Lucie Tokošová, who draws from her many years of experience as a clinical speech Therapist, has been looking for a functional tool attractive to children for many years, she did not find any available on the market, so she set out on the path of her own design. PROTOTYPUM team helped to fine-tune the design, build functional prototypes and prepare the product for manufacturing. The main testers in the project are children and their reactions.